вторник, 7 января 2020 г.


Covering a show at the Hollywood Bowl. His music is an incredible amalgamation of genres from rock, hip hop, jazz, soul, and of course electronic dance music. For our next release, we would like to welcome the humble Nick Garcia to the Dubco Records family. Tags bass bassnectar The Good Stuff. For those unfamiliar …. Twisting it all up into an extended ride through my imagination…. An incredible weekend with incredible music. bassnectar immersive mix

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For our next release, we would like to welcome the humble Nick Garcia to the Dubco Records family. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Recent Posts 4 years ago. mic

Check out our review of SMFTampa. I think he says it best: Some of this is mixed like a peak-time set with all levels set to 11, while a lot of it goes deeper than usual; more ethereal, more surreal, more experimental. Return to top of page.

Bassnectar immersive mixtape 2

I considered trying to describe what immefsive of experience this mix provides its listener, but who better to describe it than the bass guru himself:. Tags bass bassnectar The Good Stuff. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: His bass heavy music earning him the status of bass guru takes you on a journey through the smoothest transitions, amazing crowd interactions, and unexpected improvisational mixing techniques.

bassnectar immersive mix

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bassnectar immersive mix

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FeaturedMixtapes Tagged With: For those unfamiliar …. The mix is a faithful interpretation of his live show, minus the bass shaking your insides.

I think he says it best:.

Bassnectar Releases Immersive Music Mixtape Side One

The tracklist is below to follow along. More than your standard dj mix, Lorin has his fingerprints on almost every track; be it a remix, edit, or an original. Covering a show at the Hollywood Bowl. Fortunately for you, bassnecfar can do that very soon! Bassnectar has finally released the second side of his Immersive Music Mixtape.

▶ Bassnectar – Immersive Music Mixtape (Side Two) « Where's The Drop?

MayerHawthorne in advance of his new sophomore LP "Thirst" on… twitter. Cat calling, privilege checking, trigger warnings and diet prejudice! About Us Dubco is a collective that has evolved into a team of artists, musicians, writers, and photographers working together to both build and capture the cultural identity of the countless forms dance music in the United States.

Cancel reply Enter your comment here Kind of like a sunrise set, in some strange Other World where the sunlight melts your mind. Music News Dyskryptik 6 years ago No comments 0. I considered trying to describe what kind of experience this mix provides its listener, but who better to describe it than the bass guru himself: Twisting it all up into an extended ride through my imagination…. Arguably the most versatile DJ and producer out there, he continually astonishes his fans with each new release.

Practical medical tips for ravers who choose to use ecstasy. Twisting it all up into an extended ride mlx my imagination… Some of this is immerxive like a peak-time set with all levels set to 11, while a lot of it goes deeper than usual; more ethereal, more surreal, more experimental. His music is an incredible amalgamation of genres from rock, hip hop, jazz, soul, and of course electronic dance music. Check out side 1 here.

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